Dr. Mohammed Ghalwash's pioneering vision began with a profound commitment: "Excellence in surgical care is not a privilege, but a right." Since 1964, this guiding principle has transformed countless lives through innovative surgical techniques and compassionate care.
His remarkable journey encompasses groundbreaking achievements in microsurgery, from establishing Saudi Arabia's first advanced hair restoration center to revolutionizing reconstructive surgery in Egypt. With over 8,800 successful procedures, including 2,300 complex replantations, his legacy stands as a testament to surgical precision and patient-centered innovation.
As a pioneer in reconstructive surgery, Dr. Mohammed brings decades of expertise in microsurgery and hair restoration. His meticulous approach and dedication to surgical excellence have transformed countless lives through innovative techniques and compassionate care.
Before surgery, Dr. Mohammed meets with his patients multiple times to plan every detail and anticipate every challenge. He has in-depth conversations about what the patient wants and carefully explains what can be achieved. Dr. Mohammed Ghalwash believes it is essential that patients do their research and consult with more than one surgeon before making a decision.
Dr. Mohammed – You changed my life. I stand in the mirror and smile. I have pride when I walk down the street. This is best thing in my life right now .
[Surgery isn't about miracles. It's about showing up—day after day, stitch after stitch—until the person in the mirror matches the one in their heart.]