How to Choose A Plastic Surgeon?
A discussion about plastic surgery should start with physician selection. Selecting the surgeon is the single most important factor in the success of your plastic surgery. Of equal, if not of greater, significance than the rapidly escalating number of patients seeking plastic surgery is the explosion in the ranks of physicians not trained as plastic surgeons performing plastic surgery procedures. Lawmakers in several states are taking aim at this issue. The growth is fueled in large part by physicians from many different specialties trying to escape some of the insurance reimbursement limits imposed by managed care on their practices; they seek higher fee-generating procedures such as liposuction, which is not regulated by insurance companies. Despite this, there are still many qualified physicians in different specialties performing very good plastic surgery, and your search should not be limited to one specialty or board-certification category.
As a patient, you should seek to qualified physicians and establish a professional relationship with one who offers the procedure you are interested in.